Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Gerbils ? What gerbils ?

The humans bought two gerbils the other day. I went into the room their cage was in and I heard them scratching. I put my ear back and got that puzzled expression on my face. I ignored it. My ears were back a lot though so in the end Top Dinner Lady sat me near the cage. SUDDENLY I got a very very very long neck and batted the cage a few times (no bars so they just ignored me). Must have thought I was a massive orange gerbil.

See now that was Saturday and now I have totally forgotten about it all, in fact I forgot on Sunday. Top Dinner Lady is pleased that I have the memory of a goldfish =^..^=

They put them in these large plastic balls earlier but still I just ignored them. Gerbils ? What gerbils ? There are no gerbils in MY house ! =^..^=

King Hobbes - Lord Orangina


  1. Hello Hobbes. Did you know that elderly cats can get away with snacking on gerbils? They can, all they have to do is plead memory loss apparently and humans won't be upset about it. Our Mum thinks you are very handsome.

    Whicky Wuudler

  2. You love the two additions to your family. They are lucky to have their own balls to roll around in. Thanks for sharing the good news. Have a fantastic day.
    World of Animals
